As of 2020 we are the official seat of The Lonavla Yoga Institute in Argentina. A pioneer Institution dedicated to the research and Literary Training in the field of Yoga which also aims at preserving and protecting our great patrimony.
With the aim of supporting and boosting the research, edition and publication of ancient Yoga manuscripts, it is that we invite you to get acquainted with our Institute´s mission and to affiliate to it.

An internationally well-known Yoga Institute with the sole motto of propagating knowledge of Traditional Yoga to the public, as well as to experts in the fields.
It is a non-lucrative organization that carries out philanthropic services in order to preserve ancient Indian tradition by making yoga lessons available and accessible to the public.
With this sole objective in mind, we are gathering the Yoga fellowship all over the world.
We firmly believe that this kind of activity will give a significative impulse to this rich heritage from India, that undoubtedly constitutes the spinal cord of its Civilization and culture.
The aims and objectives of The Lonavla Yoga Institute (India)® are to propagate Traditional Yoga Revival Movement through:
Conduct or help conduct Literary and scientific research in the field of pure and applied Yogic Science.
Critically editing ancient text books on Yoga with translations, notes, appendices and publish them.
Preparing and publishing Catalogues, Digests, Indexes and Glossaries of Yoga texts and subjects allied to Yoga with a view to help critical studies of Yoga texts.
Organizing seminars and conducting courses in Yoga and providing facilities for training individuals or groups in India and abroad.
Establishing contacts and co-operating with individuals and associations or organizations working in the field of Yoga in various aspects.
Providing adequate guidance to individuals and groups in Yogic therapeutical matters.
Establishing contacts and cooperating with individuals and associations or organizations working in the field of Yoga in various aspects.

Receive an official certificate from the Institute in PDF Format
Access a broadcasting group with exclusive information. They access books and pedagogical material with an exclusive discount.
Have access to the cycles of monthly Satsang virtual sessions that Dr. Gharote, fondly gifts us with, directly from Lonavla, India.

Dr. Manmath Gharote
Director of the Lonavla Institute in India
Specialized in Physical Education and Yoga with a Dip. in Yoga Therapy
Dip. in Sports Medicine
Dip. in Physiotherapy and Sports Journalism
Manmath Manohar Gharote was born on 21st September 1966, in Lonavla, India. He is fully devoted to the field of Yoga and committed to fulfill the mission of The Lonavla Yoga Institute (India) and to continue further the task which was left as a legacy to him by his beloved father Dr. M.L. Gharote: the transmission of Traditional Yoga and the preservation of ancient manuscripts that contain this millenary discipline’s wisdom, by making them available and accessible to the public through critical editions in contemporary language.
His divulgation and educational travels lead him through different countries in the world. During 2018 and 2019 he visited Argentina leading the First International Conference of Traditional Yoga.
We are blessed with his presence every year, actually in virtual format through monthly Satsang, transmitted directly from India.
To have the honor of embracing him, receiving his teachings and representing him is an outstanding privilege for all of us.